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Wednesday 1 October 2014

Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Lamboghini has announced its first plug-in hybrid showpiece, and it’s quite beautiful. The Asterion LPI 910-4 packs in a 5.2-liter V10 with 610 horsepower, and its trio of electric motors beef up that latter figure another 300 (hence the 910 moniker). Those numbers puts the hypercar in the same neighborhood as McLaren’s P1 and the LaFerrari hybrid. In terms of speed, the blue machine can hits 0 to 60 MPH (0 to 100 km/h) in three seconds and tops out at just under 200 MPH (320 km/h). What’s more, the Asterion can hit 78 MPH (125 km/h) using only electric power, traveling around 31 miles (50km) without firing up the main engine. As this is more of a proof of concept than anything else, there’s no info on pricing and availability, or if more than one will even be made. However, feel free to ogle the leather-wrapped cockpit after the break.

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Wondering if the NFL would take its supersized Sunday Ticket viewing package to another provider, or even to an internet company like Google? You can stop now — the league and DirecTV have “extended and expanded” their exclusive agreement for an unspecified number of years. According to Darren Rovell, it’s an eight year deal worth some $1.5 billion annually — more than the previous four year agreement that cost DirecTV about $1 billion each year. The big takeaway here? Things are staying mostly the same (DirecTV will stream NFL Network to its subscribers mobile devices), and AT&T’s agreement to purchase DirecTV is still on. This season DirecTV changed up its marketing for Sunday Ticket streaming to target apartment dwellers and college students that can’t get satellite dishes. That’s what a passage in the press release promising “expanded streaming rights” refers to, so for now, it doesn’t look like we’ll see a full online-only offering for football fans that only want to pay to watch out of market games every weekend.

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

If you were worried that Verizon would start throttling your unlimited data plan because you use it a lot, you can relax — Big Red just had a last-minute change of heart. The carrier tells Droid-Life that it has decided against pursuing “network optimization” (read: throttling) for uncapped LTE users. There’s no direct explanation for the about-face, but Verizon says that it “valued the ongoing dialogue” on slowdowns. In other words, it’s likely trying to avoid a clash with the FCC, not to mention angry customers, over a potential violation of net neutrality guidelines. Whatever triggered the provider’s second thoughts, it’s good news if you’ve felt that the unlimited service you pay for shouldn’t have any strings attached. Check out the full statement below.

[Image credit: AP Photo/John Minchillo]

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

If you’re one of the many who fear needles, you might be in luck. Researchers at MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital are working on an oral alternative to injections, and it involves the use of a capsule. On the pill’s surface, tiny needles inject drugs directly into the lining of the stomach once it’s swallowed. During trials, insulin was delivered more efficiently, and the capsule didn’t cause any issues as it passed through the digestive system. While insulin was used in tests, the delivery system is said to be most helpful for antibodies to treat cancer and autoimmune disorders. At any rate, those of us who prefer to avoid shots entirely may soon have one less source of anxiety during doctor’s visits.

[Image credit: Christine Daniloff/MIT]

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Not to be outdone by AT&T, Sprint and Verizon have now announced they are also going to double the data for users on shared mobile plans, at no extra cost. What’s more, both carriers are bringing the promotion to family and business customers alike, making the news all the better. With Sprint, for example, you can get 120GB maximum for $225 per month on a family plan, while business accounts will receive up to 200GB for $330 — on the former, there’s also the $130 option, which lets you share 60GB between lines. Similarly, Verizon is set to double the data amount on its 20GB, 30GB, 40GB and 50GB More Everything plans; the 12GB and 16GB are making the jump as well, but only to 15GB and 30GB, respectively. Verizon’s promo is kicking off tomorrow, with Sprint following suit the day after. But be sure to act fast, since the networks will only be offering this through the end of October.

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Vuxix’s M100 Smart Glasses may be Android-powered, but that doesn’t mean you have to use its hands-free features with other Android devices. The company has rolled out an OS 2.0 update that lets you use the wearable with most iOS gear. So long as you have the companion app (due very shortly), you can take full advantage of the M100′s augmented reality apps, hands-free calling and other features that keep your hands free. If you’ve been looking for a head-mounted computer that will play nicely with your iPhone (and isn’t as pricey as Google Glass), your search might be over.

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Facebook’s real name policy has caused quite a stir recently, especially among the drag queen community. Several performers found themselves on the receiving end of merciless deletion because they used their stage names, rather than their legal names for their profiles. When those accounts were reported as fake (apparently by a single individual with a vendetta against drag queens) they got swept up into Facebook’s system and removed along with the bullies, impersonators and trolls. Now the company’s chief product officer, Chris Cox, has issued an apology, though one that makes it clear the policy will not be changing.

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

Ever felt that your Instagram photography is so good that you should start charging for it? Now’s your chance to prove your worth. Netflix is looking for three professional Instagram shooters (aka “Grammasters”) that will travel across the continental US snapping square photos of “iconic” movie and TV show locations to drum up attention for the streaming movie service. All you have to do to apply is share three of your best shots by October 7th. The gig only lasts for two weeks, so you won’t want to quit your day job — and it’s safe to say that you won’t have as much creative control as you’d probably like. However, you’ll be paid $2,000 a week with all travel expenses covered. That’s not too shabby for something you were already doing for free.

[Image credit: Andrew Burton/Getty Images]

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

The bullet train is a Japanese trademark. It is, in other words, a landmark in motion. Today, 50 years to the time it made a trip for the first time, between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan is celebrating a major milestone in the history of its beloved bullet-shaped train. The Shinkansen, as it’s known in The Land of the Rising Sun, has had a great run throughout its 50-year tale, like being the fastest high-speed train at one point — China’s CRH380A now holds that title. Even so, Shinkansen is still responsible for carrying more than 300 million passengers every year in Japan, making it one of the most important forms of transportation in the world, not only in its home soil.

[Image credit: AFP/Getty Images]

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Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features

If you can’t get to sleep at night, then you’ve probably been told to avoid cheese, say no to caffeine after lunchtime and drink a cup of warm milk before bed. That was good advice, or at least it was, until the advert of the Sleep Shepherd, which is a beanie that promises to gently send you to sleep and wake you up at the right time. Equipped with a variety of sensors, the headgear monitors your brain activity and sends a soothing pulse to your noggin to convince you that it’s time to stop thinking about what Dave at the office said to you that morning.

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