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Monday 15 September 2014

Net neutrality topples 'Nipplegate' as the FCC's hottest issue of all time

Net neutrality topples 'Nipplegate' as the FCC's hottest issue of all time

Apparently, the only thing that gets Americans incensed more than kinda-sorta nudity is the danger of slow lanes on the internet. The FCC has confirmed that its most recent net neutrality rules have received more comments (1,477,301, to be exact) than any other issue in the agency’s history, beating even the 1.4 million that followed Janet Jackson’s “Nipplegate” exposure at the 2004 Super Bowl. And that’s before comments close next Monday, so the figure is only likely to get higher.

The record-breaking number isn’t totally surprising. John Oliver’s call for comments on Last Week Tonight gave the issue far broader exposure than it might have had otherwise (if not as much as first thought); mix that with the internet’s usual passion and the topic was bound to get lots of attention. It’s tough to know if the deluge of feedback will make the FCC rethink its stance on paid data prioritization, but it’s pretty clear that a good chunk of the US wants an equal-opportunity internet.

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