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Saturday 23 August 2014

Google's reasonably priced Street View car tours Top Gear's test track

Google's reasonably priced Street View car tours Top Gear's test track

Like swerving bends and screaming “powerrr!” as much as you dislike electric vehicles? Imagine your delight, then, when you learn that Google and the BBC have teamed up to send one of the former’s street view cars around Dunsfold Aerodrome — more famously known as Top Gear’s test track. As you zoom around the lap, you’ll notice a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG popping up by your side, ably driven by the show’s tame racing driver. Some say he’s a clone of Justin Bieber gone right, and that he prefers to think of Dunsfold Aerodrome as the place where they shot the Miami Airport sequence of Casino Royale. All we know is that he’s called The Stig.

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